Title I

"To request any information regarding our school be provided to you in your native language, please ask the front office staff or call the school."
"Para solicitar que se le proporcione cualquier informaciĆ³n sobre nuestra escuela en su idioma nativo, pregunte al personal de la oficina principal o llame a la escuela."

School-Wide Plan

All instructional staff will implement research-based best teaching practices, differentiated instruction, and standards-based intervention strategies to increase student achievement in reading, writing, and math.


Curriculum and Instructional Strategies

ELA - Wonders, Fast Track Phonics, SIPPS, LLI

Math - Savvas

SciencePearson Elevate


ELA and Math

Ongoing Progress Monitoring, Grade-Level common Assessments aligned to our instructional plan


Formative Progress Monitoring three times a year

Proficiency Levels for 2024-2025 School Year

One year's growth in one year each grade level will determine the growth

K-5th: iReady, DRA, F.A.S.T.

As soon as the state releases information regarding the spring assessment, parents will receive a report of their child's performance.

Definition of Title I

Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I is allocated to schools based on the percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch. Schools with a percentage of at least 40% are eligible for a school-wide program.

Title One Liaison

Shanston Boyd-Marks

Email: [email protected]

Parent's Right to Know - Student Achievement

As soon as the state releases information regarding the spring assessment, parents will receive a report of their child's performance. During the school year, we encourage parent conferences, provide 4 week progress reports and 8 week report cards. Parents can have access to Skyward to check their child's grades at anytime.

Parent's Right to Know - Non-Highly Qualified Teachers

Schools are required to notify parents if their child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher that is not highly qualified. Letters are sent home to a parent if a teacher is out-of-field.

Parent and Family Engagement Documents

You request of copy these documents from the front office.

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